Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chapter 2 - Mitt and a Tea-Party Dominated Congress Will Destroy America

The Combination of Mitt and a Tea-Party Dominated Congress Will Destroy America

Americans voted two years ago in anger to elect a very conservative, Tea-Party led Republican majority in the House. Given that a vast majority of all incumbents win re-election, the next House will probably again have a Republican majority. And given the large numbers of Tea-Party members of the Republican majority, virtually nothing will be approved by the House unless the Tea-Party supports it. Look at the results of the 112th Congress – they have passed the fewest laws passed of any Congress in history, shut down the FAA, and nearly brought us to a completely unnecessary default; but they voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (voting for a Bill that they KNOW will never become law) 33 times! 33 times!

The Tea-party is such a sad joke. They say taxes are too high. Compared to what? The truth is that in the US in 2009 (the last year data is available) the taxpayers paid the total LOWEST tax rate for the past 30 years. The US now has some of the lowest tax rates in the world and the lowest in recent history. And the result is clear: huge deficits, decaying infrastructure, and a massive reduction in investment in education.

If the Tea-Party really wanted America to be great again, they would push us to return to the period when America was strong; when we had the ability to invest in our roads and bridges, the education of our youth, and could run a surplus and reduce our debt. And it was so not that many years ago. Under Bill Clinton, the US government ran a surplus for four straight years. And we were unquestionably the strongest nation on the planet. Within eight short years, George Bush had damaged our finances, our military, and our international standing so badly that we have fallen a long way. We need to invest in ourselves, to make ourselves stronger and better. The Tea-party has exactly the WRONG solution for America.

What is their real agenda? Simple: I’ve got mine, and I don’t care about you. The Tea-party serves the 1%, or really the 1% of the 1% (like Mitt) who know they will be OK even if everyone else crashes and burns. They are not Patriots. They are greedy, self serving leeches who are willing to hurt this nation so they can own yet another house in a gated community, or Cadillac, or Swiss bank account. Mitt is their poster child.

For the past two years the Tea-party leaders have tried to destroy this great nation, but have been stymied by the President. But if Mitt is in the White House, he will follow their lead. Why are the very rich pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into Mitt’s campaign? It’s an investment in a politician who will give them what they want – at the expense of the rest of us. A vote for Mitt is a vote for the most conservative Tea-Party Republican agenda. An agenda that will the push the US to default on its debt, devastate our military, and crash the world’s our country’s economy.

Think it won't happen? Are you willing to take the risk?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chapter 1 - Abortion will become a crime

Abortion - including all abortions in the past - will become a crime.

It is obvious that the Supreme Court is nearly evenly divided between liberals and conservatives. When abortion was declared legal in 1973 by the famous 7-2 Roe v. Wade decision, the court was much more liberal in its makeup. Four members of the court are now 73 or older (two liberals and two conservatives). It’s very likely that one or more of
them will be leaving the bench in the next four years. The President who serves from 2013-2017 will make the appointment(s).

Despite the fact that Mitt Romney has clearly flip-flopped on this issue in the past, during the debates he stated: " can count on me, as president, to pursue a policy that protects the life of unborn,whether here in this country or overseas. And I'll reverse the policies of this president.". What would he do if confronted with a vacancy on the Court? On January 23, 2012 he stated regarding Roe v. Wade: “ we recommit ourselves to reversing that decision..”. Based on his recent words, and because of his past record of flip-flopping, he will undoubtedly bend over backwards to satisfy the social conservatives in the Republican Party and nominate a candidate who definitely will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. And there are plenty of Republican-backed states who will quickly develop cases that will test the law.

Within a short time, Roe v. Wade would be struck down and states would be free to enact legislation banning a woman's right to choose. At least seven already have such laws on the books ready to go into force. Others will follow. The result will be a return to the 60s. Women will die from botched self-abortions and backroom hacks. Millions of unloved, unwanted babies will be born, ending up poor, uneducated, and very likely in prison. Other states will follow the example of Virginia, whose state Legislature passed a bill in February that required women to undergo an invasive, state mandated penetration (the definition of rape). Only after the bill had passed and was about to be signed into law did the public’s indignation stop this from becoming law.

But there's more. The Republican war on women continues. Some states are now in the process of enacting "personhood" legislation declaring abortion to be murder. The 2012 Republican Platform supports a "human life amendment to the Constitution" that would make abortion a crime. If these ideas become law, think of the potential result - anyone who had a legal abortion in the past could be charged with first degree murder, which in many states is punishable by death. Anyone living in those states, or anyone who might travel to those states could be arrested, tried for murder, convicted and executed.

Think it won't happen? Are you willing to take the risk?